Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Melinda Beck - 25 Tips for Illustrators

Lesson 1: Where you came from may be where you are going to.

  • Take your environment and background and use it

Lesson 2: Be your own muse.

  • What gets you excited?
  • What influences you?
  • What do you collect?

Lesson 3: How to steal without getting caught.

  • Take bits and pieces from all over the places and make them one thing

Lesson 4: Sketch ‘til your head hurts.

  • Thumbnail for hours! Work out the idea first THEN render!
  • You are a thinker before you are a renderer.
  • Figure out how to portray cliches in a non-cliche way

Lesson 5: Less is more.

  • Find the essence, the best solution.
  • What is the story about?

Lesson 6: Sometimes more is more.

  • Pushing and exaggerating can embody the story more effectively.

Lesson 7: The sky is not blue and the grass is not green.

  • Choose colors that explain the story.
  • Dial back and find the essence via color communication.

Lesson 8: Put a little piece of yourself in other people’s stories.

  • Be emotionally involved in your piece.
  • Your emotions will ring true to your audience.

Lesson 9: Some of the best art supplies don’t come from the art store.

  • Use your collections in your pieces.

Lesson 10: Be delusional.

  • Follow your own personal delusions.
  • Pretend that you ARE (a great Illustrator, a much-sought-after artist, etc.)

Lesson 11: What you do to get away from your work will get you work.

  • Use you personal passions to fuel your art and do art for the things you like.

Lesson 12: Self-promotion

  • Postcards, emails, mailers, anthologies, competitions, social media, etc.
  • Set a yearly plan for your promotional material.

Lesson 13: Don’t let your website get in the way of your illustration.

  • Let your art be the focal point of your website.
  • Your art and your name should be the biggest/only thing on your sight.
  • Minimize clicking and scrolling
  • Font should accentuate the art
  • Easy-to-update format
  • Use smaller files that load faster
  • Update every 3-6 months

Lesson 14: Fail spectacularly and you will succeed spectacularly.

  • Failure is normal! Everyone fails. Remember that there is a balance, and that your favorite artists fail too.

Lesson 15: How to balance work and kids.

  • Don’t expect yourself to do more than you can do.

Lesson 16: How to survive a kid-tastrophe and let a project done.

  • If you can say that everything will get done in 48 hours, you break your work down into bite-size pieces.

Lesson 17: What a sleep-deprived child can teach you.

  • Set boundaries in your contract. What will you and will you not do? 
  • Include and estimate and itemize it.
  • Make sure the client is fully aware of what will and will not happen.
  • Set ground rules!
  • Make sure you and the client both understand the finer details (file type/size, how many sketches they get for the amount you charge, rights for each party, etc.)

Lesson 18: Everything takes twice as long as you think it will.

  • Set an hour limit for your week and break it down to billable hours and maintenance hours.

Lesson 19: Watch your time and the cost of that time.

  • Figure out how much you’re actually making per hour, and make sure your price is set appropriately. 
  • Balance jobs that don’t pay well with jobs that do pay well.
  • Adjust your process if a project is wasting time and money.
  • Reach out to others if you’re stuck.

Lesson 20: Great exposure!

  • Find jobs that give you great exposure.
  • Sometimes a crappy job is even worth it if it will win you great work.

Lesson 21: Taming the paperwork beast.

  • Be so organized that you can even do your taxes yourself.
  • Find a system that works for you and stick to it!

Lesson 22: Your computer likes to do paperwork.

  • Quickbooks (Quicken?)
  • Utilize tools that will make your life easier

Lesson 23: Don’t know what to charge? Ask a friend!

  • Ask people who know, people who also get paid. What are they getting charged so you know what you should be getting paid.

Lesson 24: Pricing

  • Whatever they tell you, ask 10-20% more
  • What is their budget? 
  • If they say no, it’s up to you. If they say yes, you get the money you may not have gotten had you not asked.

Lesson 25: Have fun!

  • Remember, this is the job you wanted to do. 
  • If you’re not having fun, something is wrong!

Misc Tips:

  • Be diverse
  • Sell products online
  • Find a market where your stuff works