Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Splash Banner Quality

Hello pals! If you're getting frustrated with professors or designers asking you to create unrealistically rendered and refined splash banners or content images in an insanely small amount of time, feel free to use this PDF (It's chilling in the N: drive under this filepath name: N:\IS\Production\Courses\(MMS-Splash Banner Quality Guide) ) to politely remind them that we are not, in fact, magicians.

I've broken it into a 5 hr category, 10 hr category, and a 12-18 hr category to show those who aren't familiar with the artistic process that the amount of quality of the final product is directly related to how much time we are able to spend illustrating them.

Good luck, homies.
-Amelia G

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


Hey peeps here is some info on splash package resizing. Use it and you will succeed.