Wednesday, May 1, 2019


Hey there Illustrators!

So Suzy presented the idea that we make a Mailer to promote our Illustration Team to the rest of the staff here at Continuing Education. 

So it's up to us to start making some proposals to give to Suzy! 

We have been given suggestions (which are in our room on giant sticky notes), but we have free range to come up with something awesome. Write down ideas you have on the sticky note! 

We threw around the idea of a zine! It would be easy to print and our artwork wouldn't be crunched down onto one piece of paper. (It will also make people less inclined to see it as a regular flyer and throw it away)

Network folder for this project is in M:/isdata2/designer/~multimedia services/multiserv projects/illustration showcase zine.

So here are some tips while we brainstorm: 

1. We Need a Theme

Many mailers that illustrators use have a cohesive theme. Now this isn't necessarily a theme like EFY. It's more focused on Design Aspects like:
  • Color
  • Pattern
  • Framing
  • Font
Check out this link to CreativeBloq for some of these ideas: 

or this one: 

2. We Need Artwork
We need to come up with some illustrations to promote us on the mailer. They will be front and center! This is anything from Maps, Graphics, Narratives, Concept Art, Character Design and even Graphic Novel examples (which we have done in the past). Artwork ideas should be passed off with the team and with Suzy. 

**We talked about how the idea of zines can be a bit tricky because many employees here want to see more of this: 

and less of this: 

While we may understand that many illustrations that look cartoony and seem a little rough is considered a professional art style, many people won't know that. So we need to design this in a way that is professional, but still stays true to our work. 

Here are some events coming up (in order by date) that our work can cater to: 


  • AFY (June 3rd --also on later dates (check conference link below) 
  • French Camp (June 10th) 
  • Teachers Camp (June 10th) 
  • Design Week (June 17th) 
  • Twisted Tales and Evil Villians (Writing Camp) (June 24th) 
  • Young Authors Academy (July 8th) 
  • and more found here:

Hope this all helps guys! Good luck!